2021年8月のサンダーランド暴動で宗教的に悪化した脅迫的な行動で58歳の元EDLメンバーのデイビッド・ハンは8ヶ月の刑を宣告されました. 58-year-old former EDL member David Hann sentenced to 8 months for religiously aggravated threatening behaviour during Sunderland riot in Aug 2021.
58歳の元EDLメンバーのデイヴィッド・ハンは2021年8月のサンダーランド暴動で,モスクに対して人種差別的な侮辱を叫び,暴力を煽ったとして,宗教的に悪化した脅迫的行動で8ヶ月の懲役刑を宣告されました. 58-year-old former EDL member David Hann has been sentenced to 8 months in prison for religiously aggravated threatening behaviour during the Sunderland riot in August 2021, where he shouted racist abuse towards a mosque and incited violence. 彼の行動と,暴力的な乱暴で2年の刑を宣告された24歳のジャック・ファウラーの行動が,他の人にも同様の行動をするよう影響を与えた. His actions along with those of 24-year-old Jack Fowler, who was sentenced to 2 years for violent disorder, influenced others to act similarly. ノースンブリア警察は 暴動で100万ポンドの損害賠償を 支払った. The riot resulted in £1 million in damages for Northumbria Police.