労働党の党員数は1800万ポンドの支出増加にもかかわらず,10%減って37万450人に下落した. Labour Party's membership fell by 10% to 370,450 despite a £18m spending increase.
労働党の党員数は2023年に約10%減少し,2022年から370,450人に減少した.これは,総選挙の準備のために1800万ポンドの支出増加にもかかわらずである. Labour Party membership fell by nearly 10% in 2023, dropping to 370,450 from 2022, despite a £18m spending increase in preparation for the general election. 党は予想より少ない赤字を報告し,高額な寄付の増加と人材,技術,より効率的な本社への戦略的投資を理由とした. The party reported a smaller deficit than expected, attributing it to increased high-value donations and strategic investment in staff, technology, and a more efficient head office. 保守党と自由民主党を含む他の政党も,会員数が減少した一方で,緑の党はわずかな増加を記録した. Other parties, including the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, also experienced a drop in membership, while the Green Party saw slight growth.