ネバダ州ラヴロック刑務所で 11人の囚人が喧嘩し 軽傷を負って 刑務所に閉じ込められた 11 inmates engaged in a fight at Lovelock Correctional Center, Nevada, resulting in minor injuries and a lockdown.
ネバダ州ラヴロック刑務所で 11人の囚人が喧嘩し 軽傷を負った 11 inmates engaged in a fight at Lovelock Correctional Center, Nevada, resulting in minor injuries. 銃が1枚見つかり 負傷者は当場で治療を受け One weapon was found during the altercation, and injured inmates were treated on-site. 刑務所は閉鎖され ネバダ州刑務局は 事件を調査中です 犯人は安全な場所に 移送されています The prison is now on lockdown, and the Nevada Department of Corrections is investigating the incident while relocating the involved inmates to secure housing.