インドのNHRCは,アンドラ・プラデシュで3人の死亡を含む73人の犠牲者を含む2件の食物中毒事件を調査しています. India's NHRC investigates two food poisoning cases in Andhra Pradesh involving 73 victims, including 3 deaths.
インドの国家人権委員会 (NHRC) は,チットールのアポロ保健大学で70人の学生と孤児院で死亡した3人の子供を含む,アンドラ・プラデシュの2つの食物中毒事件の調査を開始しました. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India has begun investigating two food poisoning cases in Andhra Pradesh, involving 70 students at Chittoor Apollo Health University and three children who died at an orphanage. NHRCは州の長官と警察総長に通知を発し,FIRの状況と被害者の健康状態を含む詳細な報告を2週間以内に要求した. The NHRC has issued notices to the state's Chief Secretary and Director General of Police, demanding a detailed report within two weeks, including FIR status and victims' health. 刑務所の収容者の健康と食料の安全を 確保する上で 当局が怠慢なことを懸念しています These incidents raise concerns about human rights violations and authorities' negligence in ensuring food safety and health of inmates.