ケララで2人が逮捕され, 60人以上の学童が病気になったキャンプで NCCの職員を襲った. Two individuals were arrested in Kerala after assaulting an NCC officer at a camp where over 60 cadets fell ill.
ケララでは,カデットのキャンプで,NCCの職員を襲った2人が逮捕され,60人以上の参加者が食物中毒の疑いで病気になった. In Kerala, two individuals were arrested for assaulting an NCC officer during a cadet camp where over 60 participants fell ill from suspected food poisoning. 事件後キャンプは停職になり,分署調査が開始された. The camp was suspended after the incident, and a departmental inquiry was launched. 厚生労働省は台所の状況が無衛生であることを発見し,同州高等教育大臣のさらなる調査に至った. The health department found the kitchen conditions unhygienic, leading to further investigations by the state's higher education minister.