22歳のカンザス州 母親が 4歳の娘の殺害で 終身刑に処せられた 22-year-old Kansas mother sentenced to life for 4-year-old daughter's death due to toddler accessing loaded gun.
22歳のカンザス州人の母親は 2歳の息子が 事故で4歳の娘を 撃った罪で有罪と判決され 終身刑に処せられました 22-year-old Kansas mother, found guilty after her 2-year-old son accidentally shot and killed her 4-year-old daughter, has been sentenced to life in prison. 事件は,幼児が 銃を手に取った時に起こった. The incident occurred when the toddler gained access to a loaded gun. 母親は2度目の殺人と 子供を危険にさらした罪で 銃を隠さず 有罪判決を受けた The mother was convicted of second-degree murder and child endangerment, as she failed to secure the firearm.