マレーシア人の母親は,6歳の息子を暴行して3年懲役判決を受けた. A Malaysian mother was sentenced to three years in prison for beating her six-year-old son to death.
マレーシアの25歳の母親は,6歳の息子を殴り殺そうとして有罪を訴えた後,三年懲役判決を受けた. A 25-year-old mother in Malaysia was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to beating her six-year-old son to death. 裁判所はまた、2年間の善行保証金を課し、彼女が他の子供たちの世話をすることを5年間禁止した。 The court also imposed a two-year good behavior bond and banned her from caring for other children for five years. ボーイフレンドは,同事件に伴う殺人の容疑で死刑又は40年の懲役に処する可能性があるが,同事件で児童の頭部と腹部に鈍的外傷が生じた. Her boyfriend faces a possible death penalty or up to 40 years in prison for murder in connection with the same incident, which caused blunt trauma to the child's head and abdomen.