マンフォード警察官は、交通停止後の追跡中に女性を撃った。TBIが調査中です。 Munford police officer shot woman during chase following traffic stop; TBI investigating.
チプトン郡マンフォードで 警官が銃撃事件を起こした事件で 女性が交通停止で始まった追跡中に モンフォード警察官に撃たれた. In an officer-involved shooting in Munford, Tipton County, a woman was shot by a Munford police officer during a chase that began with a traffic stop. 運転手は停車を拒否し,追跡がコビントンまで続きました. そこで,ストップスティックを使って車を止めた. The driver refused to pull over, leading to a pursuit that continued into Covington, where stop sticks were used to stop the vehicle. 女性の運転手は治療のために病院に運ばれた. The female driver was taken to a hospital for treatment. テネシー州捜査局 (TBI) が 銃撃事件を捜査し 検察総長が捜査結果を 審査し 警官の行動を 決定しています The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) is investigating the shooting, with the District Attorney General reviewing findings to determine the actions of the officer.