コロラド・スプリングスの男 銃撃事件の際に 緊急救援隊に石を投げた容疑で逮捕 Man in Colorado Springs arrested for throwing rocks at first responders during potential shooting incident.
コロラド・スプリングスの男が逮捕されました 事件の現場で 警官や消防士など 緊急救援隊に石を投げつけた容疑で 高校近くで 銃撃事件が起きたとみられる A man in Colorado Springs was arrested for allegedly throwing rocks at first responders, including police officers and firefighters, during a potential shooting incident near a high school. 容疑者は,動機が不明のまま,後に逮捕され,現在,拘束されています. The suspect, whose motive remains unclear, was later apprehended and is now in custody. 負傷者はいない 事故の捜査は継続中 No injuries were reported among the first responders, and the investigation into the incident is ongoing.