13歳の少女は ロンドンで母親に対する 殺人の未遂と傷害の容疑を否定した 13-year-old girl denies attempted murder and wounding charges in London regarding her mother.
13歳の少女は 3月2日に 47歳の母親を巻き込んだ事件で ウィンブルドンで意図的な殺人や傷害を 否認している. 13-year-old girl denies attempted murder and wounding with intent charges in Wimbledon, south-west London, for an incident involving her 47-year-old mother on March 2. 当時12歳の少女は オールドベイリーで 適切な成人支援の 審理で訴えを申し立て 9月9日から1週間の裁判に 直面する The girl, who was 12 at the time, entered her pleas during an Old Bailey hearing with appropriate adult support and will face a one-week trial starting September 9. 法律上の理由で 彼女の身元は公表できません 彼女は現在 地方自治体の施設にいます Due to legal reasons, her identity cannot be disclosed, and she is currently in local authority accommodation.