ガーナの消費者インフレ率は7月に4カ月連続で20.9%に低下した. Ghana's consumer inflation declined to 20.9% in July for the fourth consecutive month.
ガーナの消費者インフレ率は7月に4カ月連続で低下し,前年比20.9%に低下した. Ghana's consumer inflation declined for the fourth consecutive month in July, dropping to 20.9% year-on-year. 食品のインフレ率は21.5%で,非食品のインフレ率は20.5%でした. Food inflation stood at 21.5%, while non-food inflation was at 20.5%. 輸入品のインフレ率は15.6%で,現地生産品のインフレ率は23.3%と比べ,かなり低い. Inflation for imported items was significantly lower at 15.6%, compared to 23.3% for locally produced goods. 継続的なインフレの減少は消費者と企業に救済を与え,ガーナの経済情勢に安定感をもたらします. The sustained decrease in inflation provides relief to consumers and businesses, offering a sense of stability in Ghana's economic landscape.