歯磨き粉の問題でベネチアの家族休暇を早めに休む男,批判を煽る. Man leaves Venice family vacation early due to toothpaste issue, sparking criticism.
ある男性は、義母が彼の歯磨き粉を使用したために、ヴェネツィアでの家族旅行を早めに去った後、反発に直面しました。 A man faced backlash after leaving his family vacation in Venice early due to his mother-in-law using his toothpaste. 彼は彼女が旅に参加することに躊躇し,彼女が彼のプライバシーを侵害していると感じました. He expressed reluctance about her joining the trip and felt she was infringing on his privacy. 彼の妻は,この状況について批判を受け,多くのコメント者は彼が過剰に反応し,家族の休暇を台無しにしたと主張した. His wife received criticism for the situation, with many commenters claiming he overreacted and ruined the family vacation. 批判を認めた後,妻に謝罪すると主張した. The man later acknowledged the criticism and claimed he would apologize to his wife.