50歳の容疑者は,交通停止中に英国ゲイツヘッドで,刃物で警察官を襲い,負傷を引き起こした. 50-year-old suspect assaulted a police officer with a bladed article in Gateshead, UK, during a traffic stop, causing injury.
50歳の容疑者は,交通停止中に英国ゲイツヘッドで警察官を刃物で襲い,警察官の腕を傷つけた. 50-year-old suspect assaulted a police officer with a bladed article in Gateshead, UK, during a traffic stop, causing injury to the officer's arm. 容疑者は逃亡したが 後日 ロズリー・アベニューで逮捕された The suspect fled but was later apprehended in the Rodsley Avenue area. ノースンブリア警察は 孤立した事件だと確認し 地域社会に脅威はない 容疑者は拘束中です Northumbria Police assure this is an isolated incident with no wider threat to the community; the alleged assailant remains in custody while the investigation continues.