韓国は主要な農産物価格の監視を強化し,インフレと戦うために重要な資源を貯蔵している. South Korea increases monitoring of key agricultural product prices and stocks critical resources to combat inflation.
韓国は主要な農産物価格の監視を強化し,インフレを食い止めるために石油,ガス,その他の重要な資源の国家備蓄を蓄積しています. South Korea is intensifying monitoring of key agricultural product prices and building up state reserves of oil, gas, and other critical resources to combat inflation. 7月には,果物,野菜,石油価格の高騰により,消費者価格が前年比2.6%上昇した. In July, consumer prices rose 2.6% year-on-year, driven by high fruit, vegetable, and petroleum prices. 政府はこのナパキャベツの供給を拡大し,キャベツの農場を支援し,緊急事態に備えて必要な資源を管理する計画だ. The government plans to extend napa cabbage supplies, support cabbage farms, and manage stockpiles of essential resources in emergency situations.