6月の石油流出で被害を受けたビーチの片付けを1ヶ月以内に完了する予定です. Sustainability and Environment Minister Grace Fu plans to complete cleanup of June's oil spill-affected beaches within a month.
6月の石油流出で被害を受けたビーチの清掃を来月中に完了する計画を発表しました. Sustainability and Environment Minister Grace Fu announced plans to complete the cleanup of beaches affected by June's oil spill within the next month. オランダ旗の掘削船とシンガポール旗のバンカー船が衝突した石油流出は イーストコーストパークやセントーサを含む複数のビーチに広がった. The oil spill, caused by a collision between a Netherlands-flagged dredger and a Singapore-flagged bunker vessel, spread to multiple beaches, including East Coast Park and Sentosa. 清掃作業は順調に進んでおり,いくつかのビーチは既に再開されていますが,政府は清掃の費用をまだ計算していません. Cleanup operations are progressing well, with some beaches already reopening, while the government has not yet calculated the cost of expenses incurred during the cleanup.