ベルファストのクイーンズ大学は,安全上の懸念を理由に,計画された抗議行動のためにキャンパスを閉鎖します. Queen's University Belfast closes campus due to planned protests, citing safety concerns.
クイーンズ大学は市内での抗議活動のため,金曜日にキャンパスを閉鎖する. Queen's University Belfast is closing its campus on Friday due to planned protests in the city. 暴力に巻き込まれて将来を危険にさらすようなことをしないよう,若者に呼びかけ, 被害や破壊ではなく協力と対話によって進歩がもたらされると強調した. The university's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Ian Greer, urged young people not to risk jeopardizing their futures by participating in violence, and emphasized that progress comes through cooperation and dialogue, rather than damage and destruction. キャンパスの閉鎖は 職員と学生を危険にさらさないための 予防措置です The campus closure is a precautionary measure to ensure staff and students are not put at risk.