マルタの船長が乗っていた貨物船とクルーズ船が ギリシャ南西海岸で77人の移民を救出しました 77 migrants were rescued off Greece's southwestern coast by a Maltese-flagged cargo ship and a cruise ship.
77人の移民は、ピュロス島の南西112海里にあるギリシャの南西海岸近くで、通過するマルタ船籍の貨物船とクルーズ船によって救助された。 77 migrants were rescued by a passing Maltese-flagged cargo ship and a cruise ship near Greece's southwestern coast, 112 nautical miles southwest of Pylos. 発見した帆船は 貨物船によって発見され ギリシャの捜索・救助当局と 連携した The sailboat they were found in was discovered by the cargo ship, which then coordinated with Greece's search and rescue authority. 難民をギリシャの南部の港湾都市 カラマタに運んだ クルーズ船が救助活動に参加しました The rescue operation involved a cruise ship that picked up the migrants and transported them to the southern Greek port town of Kalamata. 失踪者に関する報告は出ていないが 移民の国籍や出発場所については まだ不明である. No reports of missing people were made, but the nationalities of the migrants and their starting location remain undetermined. ギリシャは中東,アフリカ,アジアから紛争や貧困から逃れて ヨーロッパ連合に入ろうとする人々の人気の移住ルートです Greece is a popular migration route for people fleeing conflict and poverty in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, attempting to enter the European Union.