2022年 トロントの駐車場紛争は,駐車場担当者と警察官を襲ったドライバーとの身体的な喧嘩につながり,その結果,入院した. 2022 Toronto parking dispute led to a physical altercation with a driver assaulting a parking officer and police officers, resulting in their hospitalization.
トロントで駐車場での争いは 男と駐車場管理官と警察官の間で 身体的な争いにつながりました A parking dispute in Toronto led to a physical altercation between a man, a parking officer, and a police officer. 駐車場管理官が男性運転手との争いで 警察の助けを求めたことで 事件が起きました The situation began when the parking officer called for police assistance due to a dispute with a male driver. 運転手は 駐車場警備員に口頭で 暴力を振るった そして 駐車場警備員と 警察官が 現場に到着した時に 暴力を振るった The driver verbally abused the parking officer, then allegedly assaulted both the parking officer and the police officers when they arrived on the scene. 運転手は逮捕され,軽傷で病院に搬送されました. The driver was arrested and hospitalized with minor injuries. 負傷者は2人とも 生命を脅かすような 傷を負わず 病院に搬送されました Both officers also sustained non-life-threatening injuries and were hospitalized. この事件は懸念を醸し出している.2022年だけでトロントで駐車場管理当局者に対する暴行が46件報告されており,2021年に報告された暴行は6件であった. This incident has raised concerns, as there have been 46 reported assaults against parking enforcement officers in Toronto in 2022 alone, up from six reported assaults in 2021.