7月30日,ミドルズブロの暴力的な極右の抗議行動が逮捕と財産の損害をもたらし,抗議行動はイギリス各都市に広がった. 30 July, violent far-right protests in Middlesbrough led to arrests and property damage; protests spread across UK cities.
イギリスのミドルズブロでは,極右派や移民反対運動家による暴力的な抗議が起こっており,数人の逮捕や大きな被害をもたらしました. In Middlesbrough, England, violent protests involving far-right groups and anti-immigration activists took place, leading to several arrests and significant damage. 抗議者は警察と衝突し 車が焼かれ 窓が割れ 警官にミサイルが投下された Protesters clashed with police, causing cars to be set on fire, windows smashed, and missiles thrown at officers. 暴動は7月30日からイギリス全土の他の町や都市に広がり,週末は暴力が続きました. The disturbances have spread to other towns and cities across the UK since 30 July, with violence continuing throughout the weekend.