アフガニスタンのファリアブ州で8月4日に起きた交通事故で9人が死亡,3人が負傷した.原因は調査中. 9 killed, 3 injured in road accident in Afghanistan's Faryab province on August 4th; cause under investigation.
アフガニスタンのファリアブ州で8月4日に起きた交通事故で9人が死亡,3人が負傷した. 9 people were killed and 3 injured in a road accident in Afghanistan's Faryab province on August 4th. Khan-e-Charbagh地区で2台の車両が衝突し、無謀運転、道路の混雑、劣化した高速道路の交通標識の欠如が国内の交通事故の要因として挙げられています。 Two vehicles collided in the Khan-e-Charbagh district, with reckless driving, congested roads, and a lack of traffic signs on deteriorating highways cited as contributing factors to road accidents in the country. 特定事故の原因は調査中です The cause of the specific incident is under investigation.