南アフリカは新しい普遍的な医療計画について議論し,批評家は混合資金モデルを推し進めている. South Africa debates new universal healthcare plan as critics push for a mixed funding model.
南アフリカ保健大臣のアーロン・モトサレディは,全国保健保険法(NHI)を擁護し,世界的保健報道を目的としている. South Africa's Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, defended the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act, aiming to provide universal healthcare coverage. ただし,NHHI(UHC)は機能しないと主張しており,医療計画の貢献と一般税とを組み合わせた混合資金モデルを提案している. However, the Universal Healthcare Access Coalition (UHAC) argues the NHI is unworkable and has proposed a mixed funding model combining medical scheme contributions and general taxes. NHIに関する議論は,現在の医療制度の実施と影響に関する懸念と,政党間の議論が続いています. The debate over the NHI continues between political parties, with concerns over its implementation and impact on current healthcare systems.