アラバマ州上院委員会は,刑務所建設の500m増を承認し,総額は1.28Bである. Alabama Senate committee approves $500M increase for prison construction, totaling $1.28B.
アラバマ州上院委員会は,同州が5億円もの刑務所建設の借地を増額し,総額は約1億2,200億円にまで増加させる法案を承認した. An Alabama Senate committee has approved a bill to increase the state's borrowing for prison construction by $500 million, bringing the total to about $1.28 billion. 州刑務所の過密状態に対処する. しかし,一部の議員は,州の債務の増加に懸念しています. The bill aims to cover rising costs and address overcrowding in the state's prisons, though some lawmakers are concerned about the state's growing debt. アラバマ 州 矯正課は,現在なおなお刑務所の状態に問題に直面しており,その結果,米国司法省が2020年度の訴訟をおこなうことになった. The Alabama Department of Corrections faces ongoing issues with prison conditions, which led to a 2020 lawsuit by the U.S. Department of Justice.