カタールは,ビザ違反の罰金を受けずに3ヶ月の恩赦期間を経過させる. Qatar offers expatriates a three-month grace period to leave without visa violation penalties.
カタールの内務省は,在留規則に違反した外国人またはビザの期限を過ぎた外国人に対して,2025年2月9日から3ヶ月の猶予期間を発表した. Qatar's Ministry of Interior has announced a three-month grace period starting February 9, 2025, for expatriates who have violated residency rules or overstayed their visas. 国民は,ハマド国際空港または営業時間中のサルワ道路の捜索・追跡部門に赴き,罰金なしで国を離れることができます. Individuals can exit the country without penalties by going to Hamad International Airport or the Search and Follow-up Department on Salwa Road during official hours. 優待期間は違反者が国を出るのを助けるためだ The grace period aims to help violators leave the country smoothly.