警察がリンで殺人事件を捜査している 月曜日に自宅で男が死んでいるのが発見された Police investigating a homicide in Lynn, Mass., after a man was found dead at his home on Monday.
マサチューセッツ州リンの警察は,月曜日の夜,自宅で48歳の男性の死体を発見した後に,明らかに殺人を捜査している. Police in Lynn, Massachusetts are investigating an apparent homicide after finding a 48-year-old man dead at his home on Monday evening. 男は外傷の兆候を見せたが,身分は公表されていない. The man displayed visible signs of trauma, and his identity has not been released. エセックス地方検察とリン警察が 捜査を指揮しています 死因は検死官によって 決定されます The Essex District Attorney's Office and the Lynn Police Department are leading the ongoing investigation, with the cause of death to be determined by the Medical Examiner.