43歳の男性がアビントンの裏庭で発見され,当局は調査している. A 43-year-old man was found dead in his backyard in Abington; authorities are investigating.
43歳の男が金曜の夜に マサチューセッツ州アベジントンの裏庭で 死んでいるのが発見された A 43-year-old man was found dead in his backyard in Abington, Massachusetts, on Friday night following a well-being check. アビントン警察及び国家警察の当局が事件を捜査している. Authorities from Abington police and the state police are investigating the incident. 検死官事務所が 死因を特定する The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner will determine the cause of death. 警察によると,死亡は無作為の暴力行為ではないらしく,公衆の支援を求めている. Police have stated that the death does not appear to be a random act of violence and are asking for public assistance. 情報を有する者は誰でも,マサチューセッツ州警察と連絡をとるよう勧告する. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Massachusetts State Police at 508-894-2584.