フィリピンの国民債務は,2024年に275.4億ドルに増加し,前年より9.8%上昇した. Philippines' national debt surged to $275.4 billion in 2024, up 9.8% from the year before.
フィリピン国債は,2024年末までに16.5兆円(275億円)まで上昇し,前年から9.8パーセント増加している. The Philippines' national debt climbed to 16.05 trillion pesos ($275.4 billion) by the end of 2024, marking a 9.8% increase from the previous year. この上昇は,主として高政府からの借入れと米ドルの強化から生じた. This rise mainly resulted from higher government borrowing and the strengthening of the US dollar. 総債務の68.1%を請求し,対外債務は31.9%を補足した. Domestic securities accounted for 68.1% of the total debt, while external obligations made up 31.9%. 債務対GPP比は60.7%に上っており,経済の成長率が少し低かったため、予測値より少し上つた. The debt-to-GDP ratio stood at 60.7%, slightly above projections due to lower economic growth.