警察はカンザスシティで 3人の殺人事件を捜査中 3人の女性が銃で殺されたところが 容疑者はまだいない Police investigating a triple homicide in Kansas City; three women found shot dead; no suspects yet.
3人の女性が銃撃で死亡しました 午前12時45分頃 カンザスシティの自宅で Three women were found dead from gunshot wounds in a Kansas City home on Sunday morning around 12:45 a.m. Police are investigating the incident as a triple homicide with no suspects in custody. 被害者はNW65番地の現場で 鈍感で発見されました The victims were discovered unresponsive at the scene on NW 65th Street. 当局は証人を求めており,逮捕につながる情報に対して報酬を提供している. Authorities are seeking witnesses and offering a reward for information leading to an arrest.