ある男がスコットランドのカップルを襲撃し、72歳の男性を負傷させた後に起訴された。 A man is charged after his dog attacked a couple in Scotland, injuring a 72-year-old man.
43歳の男性は1月26日,スコットランドのダンディーで72歳の男性と73歳の女性を犬が襲撃したため起訴された. A 43-year-old man was charged after his dog attacked a 72-year-old man and a 73-year-old woman in Dundee, Scotland, on January 26. 72歳の男性は腕と顔に傷を負い,病院へ運ばれたが,女の手当は要らなかった. The 72-year-old man received injuries to his arm and face and was taken to the hospital, while the woman did not need medical attention. 後に警察は容疑者の自宅で令状を執行し,犬を敷地から取り除いた. Police later executed a warrant at the suspect's home, removing the dog from the property.