保守党は2024年に4200万ドル近くを調達し リベラル党と新民主党の資金の倍になりました Conservative Party raised nearly $42M in 2024, doubling funds of Liberals and NDP combined.
カナダ保守党は2024年に約4180万ドルの資金を調達し,それぞれ1520万ドルの資金調達と630万ドルの資金調達をした自由党と新民主党の合計額のほぼ2倍となった. The Conservative Party of Canada raised nearly $41.8 million in 2024, nearly doubling the combined total of the Liberal and New Democratic Parties (NDP), who raised $15.2 million and $6.3 million respectively. 保守党は平均198ドルの寄付を211,000人に,リベラル党と新民主党は118,000人,60,000人の寄付を平均128ドル,105ドルで行った. The Conservatives saw 211,000 donors with an average contribution of $198, while the Liberals and NDP had 118,000 and 60,000 donors, contributing $128 and $105 on average. 第四四半期は,全三政党の資金調達に最も成功していた期間であり,今後の連邦選挙が今年の春に行われる可能性もある. The fourth quarter was the most successful fundraising period for all three parties, with the next federal election possibly happening this spring.