2人の青少年が 複数の侵入と車の盗難で 逮捕された Two teens arrested in Parkes for multiple break-ins and car thefts; both denied bail.
20 歳 と 18 歳 の 二 人 の 男 は , 1 月 30 日 に 警察 が 捜索令状 を 出し た 後 , パークス で 逮捕 さ れ まし た。 Two men, aged 20 and 18, were arrested in Parkes after police executed a search warrant on January 30. 複数の不法侵入や自動車盗難に関連した衣類が押収された. Clothing items linked to multiple break-ins and car thefts were seized. 20歳の少年は過度の違反,自動車窃盗,保釈違反で起訴されたが,一方,18歳の少年は盗難車両に乗せた容疑で起訴された. The 20-year-old was charged with aggravated break-ins, car theft, and bail breach, while the 18-year-old was charged for being in a stolen vehicle. 二 人 と も 保釈 を 認め られ ず , 1 月 31 日 に 法廷 に 出頭 し まし た。 Both were denied bail and appeared in court on January 31, with more charges expected as evidence is reviewed.