CISFはデリー地方の治安向上のため、ハリアナで初の女性部隊を確立した。 CISF establishes first women's battalion in Haryana to boost security in Delhi region.
中央産業防災本部(CISF)は,ハリアナ県ノアで初の女性保護部隊を設置し,内務省が承認した1025の新たな地位を備えている. The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is setting up its first women's reserve battalion in Nuh, Haryana, with 1,025 new positions approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs. この動きは、インディラ・ガンジー国際空港及び国会議事堂施設を含む、デリー国立首都圏の高安全地域における女性職員の需要が増加していることを目指す。 This move aims to meet the growing demand for women personnel in high-security areas in the Delhi National Capital Region, including the Indira Gandhi International Airport and Parliament House Complex. 大隊は近代防護具を装備し,第1区の補充所に位置し,CISFの運用効率を強化し,準備に備える. The battalion will be equipped with modern security tools and located near the relocated 1st Reserve Battalion, enhancing CISF's operational efficiency and readiness.