スリランカの元大統領マヒナダ・ラジャパカは,不動産取引の汚職で逮捕された. Son of former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa arrested over corruption in property deal.
スリランカの元大統領マインダ・ラジャパカサの息子である吉田・ラジャパカサは,父の大統領就任中に財産購入に係る汚職容疑で逮捕された. Yoshitha Rajapaksa, son of former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, was arrested on corruption charges related to a property purchase during his father's presidency. ベリッタで行われた逮捕は,前政権から不正行為を取消しようとする新政府の努力の一部である. The arrest, made in Beliatta, is part of the new government's efforts to address misconduct from the previous administration. 彼の叔父であるタバヤ・ラジャパカサ元大統領は,以前同じ財産について疑問を投げかけられた. His uncle, former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, was previously questioned over the same property. 新政府は,2005年から2015年までのラジャパカサ時代における不正行為の容疑を受けた個人を調査し起訴することを誓った. The new government has vowed to investigate and prosecute individuals accused of wrongdoing during the Rajapaksa era between 2005 and 2015.