デスモインの警察は ハイランドパークでの 衝突で 犯罪者逮捕令状で 捜索中の男を撃った Des Moines police shot a man wanted for felony warrants during an encounter in Highland Park.
デスモインの警察は ハイランドパークの近所で 銃撃で36歳の男を 負傷させた Des Moines police shot and wounded a 36-year-old man, wanted for felony warrants, during an encounter in the Highland Park neighborhood. 銃を所持していたと伝えられた男は 3時38分ごろに 2人の警官に撃たれ 病院に運ばれ 状態は不明です The man, who reportedly entered a home and stated he was armed, was shot by two officers at around 3:38 p.m. and was taken to a local hospital, with his condition unknown. アイオワ公共安全課刑事捜査課は,この事件に関する捜査を指揮している. The Iowa Department of Public Safety's Division of Criminal Investigation is leading the investigation into the incident.