韓国の裁判所は,元ヨン・スク・ヨン元大統領の拘留の延長を否定する. South Korean court denies extension of detention for former President Yoon Suk Yeol.
韓国の裁判所は,元大統領ヨオン・スク・ヨン・ヨルの拘束を延長する検察官の要請を却下した。 A South Korean court has denied the prosecution's request to extend the detention of former President Yoon Suk Yeol, who is under investigation for implementing martial law briefly during his time as prosecutor general. 裁判所の決定により,ヨオンは捜査が継続しても,さらなる拘留を回避することができる. The court's decision allows Yoon to avoid further detention, though the investigation continues. ヨオンは無実を維持してる Yoon maintains his innocence. この判決は1月24日に行われた. This ruling occurred on January 24th.