アイダホ州立法人なら どんな給与増額の寄付をしても,内閣が承認する税収の救済基金に寄付することができる. Idaho lawmakers can donate any salary increase to a tax relief fund, approved by the House.
アイダホ州下院は 議員に2万5千ドルの 昇給を 税金救済基金に寄付することを 認める決議案を 承認した. The Idaho House of Representatives has approved a resolution allowing lawmakers to donate any potential salary increase of up to $25,000 to a tax relief fund. 議員の給料を上げることを提案した市民委員会が 反対を浴びた結果 議員の財政問題から 脱却する可能性があると主張した. This follows a citizens' committee's recommendation to raise lawmakers' salaries, which has faced opposition from some lawmakers who argue it could disconnect them from the financial struggles of their constituents. 一方,国知事は,国家職員に対する5%の賃金の昇給を勧告している. Meanwhile, the state's governor has recommended a 5% pay raise for state employees.