Karnataka BJPのリーダーは,敗退を威嚇し,党の内紛を強調する. Karnataka BJP leader threatens resignation over defeat, highlights party's internal conflicts.
Carnataka BJPの指導者スラムルーは,近年の選挙で党の敗退に非難を受けたため,辞職すると脅した. Karnataka BJP leader Sriramulu threatened to resign after being blamed for the party's defeat in a recent by-election. 議員の仲間であるジャナルダナ・レディが彼を貶めたと非難し, 州委員会会議で屈辱を受けたと主張した. He accused fellow MLA Janardhana Reddy of undermining him and claimed he was humiliated during a state committee meeting. この内部紛争は,他の指導者からの公的批判を含むBJPの一連の緊張に続き,党内の深い事実主義を強調する. This internal conflict follows a series of tensions within the BJP, including public criticism from other leaders, highlighting deep factionalism within the party.