人 は , 別居 中 に 自分 と 家 を 火 で 焼き , 家族 や 訪問 者 に 激しい 火傷 を 負わ せ ます。 Man sets himself and home on fire during separation, causing severe burns to family and visitors.
ランカスター・タウンシップでは,46歳の男サイモン・ヘンが,妻との別れのあいだに,自分と自宅に火をつけて死んだ. In Lancaster Township, a 46-year-old man, Simon Hen, died after setting himself and his home on fire, amid his separation from his wife. ヘーンがホールと娘の部屋に注いだガソリンによる火災は,彼の成人の息子2人,19歳の女性訪問者,妻と娘さんをひどく焼き尽くした. The fire, caused by gasoline that Hen poured in the hall and his daughter's room, severely burned his two adult sons, a 19-year-old female visitor, and his wife and daughter. すべて の 人 は ランカスター 総合 病院 に 運ば れ , 後 に 一部 の 人 は 焼却 センター に 移さ れ まし た。 All were taken to Lancaster General Hospital, with some later transferred to a burn center. 事件は調査中です The incident is under investigation.