元議長のナンシー・ペロスリはトランプの就任に出席せず,12回の試みで初めての欠席を証する. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won't attend Trump's inauguration, marking her first absence in 12 tries.
元議長のナンシー・ペローシは ドナルド・トランプの就任に出席しない Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not attend Donald Trump's inauguration, according to her spokesperson. 2017年に行われたトランプの初任を含む11回の就任式に出席したペロシは,欠席の理由を明らかにしなかった. Pelosi, who has attended 11 inaugurations, including Trump's first in 2017, did not provide a reason for her absence. 彼女の決断はトランプとの論争に続き,一般の国民の不一致と批判を表明し,トランプが彼女と夫を愚弄したことも含めた. Her decision follows a contentious relationship with Trump, marked by public disagreements and criticism, including Trump's mockery of her and her husband. 最近 股関節 手術 を 受け た ペロスイ は , 議会 で 引き続き 務め を 果たし て い ます。 Pelosi, who recently underwent hip surgery, continues to perform her duties in Congress.