ルイジアナ州は流動とテレビ放送の購読に10%の税を課し,住民の負担を増加させる. Louisiana imposes a 10% tax on streaming and TV subscriptions, raising costs for residents.
2025年1月1日以降,ルイジアナ州住民はストリーミングとテレビの購読に10%の売上税を課され,コストが増加します. As of January 1, 2025, Louisiana residents face a 10% sales tax on their streaming and television subscriptions, increasing their costs. この税は,ジェフ・ランドリー知事の税改革の一部であり,11月に特別行政会議で承認され,同州税法の近代化を目指す措置の一つである. This tax, part of Governor Jeff Landry's tax reform, was approved in a special legislative session in November and is one of several measures aimed at modernizing the state's tax code. 追加税は,顧客の請求書に掲げる"Tax, Fees,Surchs"の下に掲げる. The additional tax will be listed under "Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges" on customers' bills.