Bidenは,同条の規定による憲法改正を提案し,別れの演説で大統領の免除を廃止するよう求めている. Biden calls for ending presidential immunity in farewell speech, proposing a constitutional amendment.
ジョー・ベイデン大統領は,その別れの演説で,大統領の責任を負うことが重要であると主張し,司法訴追から大統領の免除を廃止する憲法改正を提起した. In his farewell speech, President Joe Biden called for a constitutional amendment to abolish presidential immunity from criminal prosecution, arguing it's crucial for holding presidents accountable. これは最高裁判所が,大統領は自国の公職に関する行為に対する免除を有すると裁定した後に起因する. This comes after the Supreme Court ruled that presidents have immunity for actions related to their official duties, a decision Biden views as a threat to democracy. 提案された改正案は,国会の3分の2の承認と,国会の4分の3の批准を要する. The proposed amendment would require approval from two-thirds of Congress and ratification by three-fourths of states.