韓国のYouTubeユーザーSojangは,BTSとIVEのデビューで2年を懲役した. South Korean YouTuber Sojang sentenced to two years for defaming BTS and IVE celebrities.
韓国のユーチューバーであるSojangは,BTSのメンバーやIVEの Jang Wonyoungを含むK-popの有名人を誹謗中傷した罪で,2年の懲役3年の仮釈放と約13万7千ドルの罰金を科されました. A South Korean YouTuber, known as Sojang, was sentenced to two years in prison with a three-year probation period and fined around $137,000 for defaming K-pop celebrities including BTS members and IVE's Jang Wonyoung. Sojangは,広告収入から利益を得て,2021年10月から2023年6月の間に投稿された23のデフレ動画を通じて,会員の給与を支給した. Sojang profited from ad revenue and paid memberships through 23 defamatory videos posted between October 2021 and June 2023. また裁判所は,ジャン・ウォンユーが提訴した10億KRWの訴訟を含め,損害賠償を命じた. The court also ordered compensation for damages, including a 1 billion KRW lawsuit filed by Jang Wonyoung.