二人が死去し,南部国立公園道の深夜墜落事故で重傷を負った. Two people died and two were seriously injured in a late-night crash on the Southern State Parkway.
日曜日の午後11時頃、ノースマサペクアのサザンステートパークウェイで致命的な自動車事故が発生し、2人が死亡し、2人が重傷を負いました。 A fatal car crash occurred on the Southern State Parkway in North Massapequa around 11 p.m. on Sunday, resulting in two deaths and leaving two others seriously injured. 事故は30番出口の近くで 東へ向かっていた車両が 事故を起こしたため 29番出口と30番出口の間の道路が閉鎖され 月曜日の午前6時前に再開されました The accident involved an eastbound vehicle near Exit 30, leading to the closure of the road between Exits 29 and 30, which reopened before 6 a.m. Monday. この事故の原因は,国家警察による調査を受けている. The cause of the accident is under investigation by the State Police.