インドの経済は,政府のインフラの支出と産業の成長により成長すると予想している. India's economy forecast to grow due to government infrastructure spending and industrial growth.
金融サービス会社Prabudas Lillederの報告書では,道路,鉄道,電力の整備等のインフラ整備事業に関し,インドの経済成長が,政府の資本支出によって推進されると予想している。 A report by financial services firm Prabhudas Lilladher predicts that India's economic growth will be driven by the government's capital expenditure on infrastructure projects like highways, railways, and power development, as well as investments in sectors such as defense. この報告書は,これらの取り組みが,産業成長とともに,長期的な経済回復を促進し,医療,観光,周知の消費などの分野の利益を生ずることを示唆している. The report suggests that these initiatives, along with increased industrial growth, will support long-term economic recovery and benefit sectors like healthcare, tourism, and discretionary consumption.