9歳のマティア・コスチューニは、脳腫瘍が肺炎で悪化し、調査に火をつけ、エジプトで死亡した. Nine-year-old Mattia Cossettini died in Egypt due to a brain tumor worsened by pneumonia, sparking an investigation.
9歳マティア・コスチェッティニはエジプトのボート旅中に崩れ落ちて死んだ. Nine-year-old Mattia Cossettini died after collapsing during a boat trip in Egypt. エジプト当局は当初,熱打症を検討していたが,その後,肺炎で脳腫瘍が悪化し心停止していたことを明らかにした. Initially thought to have heatstroke, Egyptian authorities later revealed he had a pre-existing brain tumor worsened by pneumonia, causing cardiac arrest. イタリア出身の家族はマティアの身体の復活を待ち、診断及び治療の遅滞が確認されるよう調査を進めている。 The family, who are from Italy, is awaiting the return of Mattia's body, and an investigation is underway to determine if there were delays in diagnosis and treatment.