Block, Inc.は、アナリストの評価や機関投資家の取引が混在する中、主要な経営幹部が株式を売却すると見ています。 Block, Inc. sees key executives selling shares amid mixed analyst ratings and institutional trading.
機関投資家はBlock, Inc. (SQ) の株式を積極的に取引しており,RMR Wealth Buildersは株式を売却し,Nordea Investment Management ABは株式を増やしている. Institutional investors have been actively trading shares of Block, Inc. (SQ), with RMR Wealth Builders selling shares and Nordea Investment Management AB increasing its stake. CFO Amriita AhujaとCAO Ajmele デールは株式を販売し,アナリストは"販売"から"buy"までの評価と,88ドルから115ドルまでの価格目標を混在させる. Notably, CFO Amrita Ahuja and CAO Ajmere Dale sold shares, while analysts have mixed reviews, with ratings ranging from "sell" to "buy" and price targets between $88 and $115. Block, Inc, Inc, 以前の広場では,支払ソリューションを提供しており,市場資本は523億円,p/eの比率は46.44です. Block, Inc., formerly Square, provides payment solutions and has a market cap of $51.23 billion and a P/E ratio of 46.44.