カービービル高校で2人の少年が逮捕 キャンパスで装填した銃が発見された Two juveniles were arrested at Kirbyville High School after a loaded gun was found on campus.
カービービル高校で装填された銃を発見した後に2人の少年が逮捕された. Two juveniles were arrested after a loaded gun was found at Kirbyville High School. 学校は予防措置として閉鎖されていたが,積極的に発砲した状況ではなかった. The school was locked down as a precaution, but it was not an active shooter situation. カービービル警察と ジャスパー郡保安官の警官が 兵器を回収し 捜査中です Officers from the Kirbyville Police and Jasper County Sheriff's Department recovered the weapon and are investigating. 親 たち に は 知らせ が 与え られ , 生徒 たち は 早期 に 釈放 さ れ まし た。 Parents were notified and students were released early.