ミネソタの裁判官が 77万8千ドルを DHLに支払うよう命じた MyPillow ordered to pay $778,000 to DHL for unpaid bills and costs by Minnesota judge.
ミネソタ州の裁判官は マイピローに 77万8千ドルをDHLに支払わなければと命令しました 支払われていない請求書と費用は 利息と法律費用を含む A Minnesota judge has ordered MyPillow to pay $778,000 to DHL for unpaid bills and costs, including interest and legal fees. MyPillowは55万ドルを支払うことに同意したが,それを行わず,審理には出席しなかった. MyPillow had agreed to pay $550,000 but failed to do so and did not attend a hearing. MyPillowの創設者,マイク・リンドルは,2020年の選挙に関する彼の主張のために,投票用機械会社からの誹謗中傷訴訟を含む,複数の法的論争に直面しています. MyPillow's founder, Mike Lindell, has faced multiple legal disputes, including defamation lawsuits from voting machine companies due to his claims about the 2020 election.