NVエナジーは、北部で2.40ドル、ネバダ州南部で0.50ドルの保険料を引き上げ、5億ドルの山火事保険基金を提案しています。 NV Energy proposes a $500M wildfire insurance fund, raising rates by $2.40 in North and $0.50 in South Nevada.
NV エネルギーは,自給自足基金を提案し,今後の野火被害のリスクから保護し,北ネバダ州における顧客の増加率が2.40ドル,南ネバダ州では5.0ドルを上回る. NV Energy proposes a wildfire self-insurance fund to protect against potential wildfire liabilities, with customer rate increases of $2.40 in Northern Nevada and $0.50 in Southern Nevada, respectively. 総額5億ドルの資金は 10年間で集められ 急な利上げを避けるため The fund, totaling $500 million, would be collected over ten years to avoid sudden rate hikes. ネバダ州公共行政委員会の承認は,実施に要する. Approval by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada is required for implementation.