ズマ元大統領は,ANCにヤン・31の復帰を要求し,又は追放を理由に法律上の措置を講じている. Former President Zuma demands ANC reinstate him by Jan. 31 or face legal action over expulsion.
南アのジェイコブ・ズマ元大統領は1月31日まで,ANCを会員又は法的措置として復帰させる. Former South African President Jacob Zuma has given the ANC until January 31 to reinstate him as a member or face legal action. 現在,ムフロント・ウシズウェ党を率いるズマは,彼の追放は違法であり,ANCの規定による行政違反行為であると主張する. Zuma, now leading the Umkhonto weSizwe party, claims his expulsion was illegal and alleges procedural violations by the ANC. 彼の弁護人は,党は適正な手続に従わず,復職の要求に従わず,憲法違反を提起した. His lawyers argue that the party did not follow proper procedures and demand reinstatement, citing constitutional breaches. ANCは,党の祝典を妨害しようとする目的として,これらの主張を解任した. The ANC has dismissed these claims as an attempt to disrupt the party's celebrations.