ボリーウッドのスター・アミール・カーンの息子は失読症と診断し,親は学術より精神の健康を重視した. Son of Bollywood star Aamir Khan diagnosed with dyslexia; parents prioritize mental health over academics.
ボルウッドの俳優アミール・カーンの息子であるJuned Khanは6歳頃に失読症と診断された. Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan, was diagnosed with dyslexia around age six after his parents noticed his struggle with the script of the film "Taare Zameen Par," which features a dyslexic child. 両親は学術的な成功よりも彼の精神的な幸福を重視し,学習障害を克服するために必要としていた支援を彼に提供した. His parents focused on his mental well-being rather than academic success, providing him with the support he needed to navigate his learning disability.